Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Mommy & Daddy To Be

Christmas morning, 2010.  Still holding on to our secret.

Finding Out!
We found out about the pregnancy the morning of Dec. 22nd.  I took a test in the presence of our supporting housemates, Dog and Cat.  They were sure to clear out of my way as I started muffling a cry of, “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!”…while trying to make my way to the phone.  Pants around ankles, I was speechless with tears accumulating when Jon answered at work.  “I think it’s positive,” I said, knowing the “plus sign” was so much darker than on either of the pregnancy tests I took just the week before.   I drove out to Jon’s work, he jumped into the Jeep, and we sat in awe just staring and comparing all three pregnancy tests.  “Wow, today’s is definitely darker”, we agreed excitedly. 

Telling Dad
On Christmas Eve, we took my dad out for a real nice dinner, just the three of us (plus one, right?!)  Jon had picked up a bottle of wine we were excited to try and share with Dad.  I didn’t have a real plan as to HOW  to tell my dad, but as soon as the wine was corked and poured, and I had to decline…that was as good a time as any.  I asked for the first of ten glasses of iced tea!  We toasted and I shared with my dad that the reason I wasn’t having any wine was because I was pregnant.  He smiled, began nodding his head in that agreeing way he does, saying, “That’s great, Mija”…nodding, “…that’s great.  I’m happy for you.  That’s real good.”  I was the one who started to tear up before finishing my sentence.  It was a great night.  Very special, indeed.


  1. Glowing beautiful photo, you three!!! xoxoxo

  2. The "Finding Out" story brings back memories! I'll never forget back in -- what? December of 1980? -- slipping a pregnancy-test kit into my purse when I went in to the office on a Sunday. I had to work that weekend, and I figured I might as well do the test without getting David all hyped over maybe nothing. Those were the days before nice simple blue crosses. We had teeny test tubes with a pinch of some chemical goop in them, and you had to figure out whether a black circle had formed in the bottom of the tube. Circle? Well, sorta. Black? Maybe? Who knew! So I grabbed the only other woman in the office that day, hauled her in to examine the test tube propped up between magic markers on my desk, and demanded, "Is that a black circle?" She said, "Umm, well ... maybe. Kind of a circle. Mostly black. Yeah, I think so ...."

    And I guess it was, because Jon showed up nine months later.
