Monday, January 31, 2011

209 days to go...

Lookin' babyesque at 10 weeks, 1 day.
…is what my Pregnancy Day by Day bible says.  Baby’s organ systems are now present, so at this point “she” changes from being an embryo to a fetus.  Her eyes have started to move more centrally, the nose is visible, the ears have started to move to their final position, the ovaries (or testes) are beginning to develop, and the head achieves a more rounded contour.  So I read!  The neck has lengthened, allowing the baby to nod and shake her head from side to side, and baby’s limbs are more developed now, too.  Yowza, I guess pain around the pelvis is expected to pick up as my body begins to accommodate my growing uterus!  Oh, bring it on! ;)  Otherwise, I've only gained 1-2 lbs.

It's been nice chattin' with my dad a bit about my "condition".  He starts to tell me what he remembers about my mom being pregnant.  Then he can't help but share that same ole story I've been listening to for years, about the trip they made to this barn filled with lots of animals -- the place they went to buy me.  Oh, and how there were rabbits and "chivitos" (baby goats).  Dad wanted a little goat, but my mom wanted me, so that's how I was chosen.  But they got the little goat, too, to feed me its milk.  Oh geez!  I told that to a group of students one year, and they got a big kick out of it.  Then my dad got the biggest kick, knowing his story was being retold!  He's just too funny!  I love it!


  1. Love that story! Will you continue the legend with this little one? : )

  2. Oh, that's wonderful! So delighted that this Little One is thriving & growing, more & more, day-by-day...& your dad, well, he's great! Maybe you could make up a legendary tale of your own...about how you guys were walking along the beach, hand-in-hand & you saw all these beautiful seashells...& you knew this was the one who was waiting just for you...because inside this very special shell, you found the Little Marisco...& of course, you knew right away that you were chosen especially to be her/his parents! How's that?! xoxoxo

  3. LOL - my dad wanted a motorcycle, but my mom wanted my dad's story goes : ). I'm so excited for you guys! Ok, I'm excited for me too 'cause I get a fabulous kid to spoil!!! When do I start carrying hard candy around in my purse?
    Love you all : ).

  4. I think it looks rather like an amputee tarantula.

  5. That sounds like a great kids book :)

    I'm sooo happy for you guys.

  6. Jon! An amputee tarantula?! Really?! I think it looks like a little green martian, for sure! Must be a boy, ik!

  7. A peanut!! A little Mr. Planters peanut!!

  8. These moments are so exciting! I can't wait for next week's update. This is way better than t.v.!

  9. haha Jon, your comments are being documented forever. Wait till your kid reads that (ohhh busted!).

    Growing humans is fascinating. I'm kinda jealous but at the same time, not :)
